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daily prayer guide

This prayer guide is intended to help simplify and improve your prayer life by systematically dividing your prayers into seven categories, one for each day of the week. Each day includes a hymn to draw your heart into worship . . . a reminder to “take your shoes off” before the King who reigns and is even now interceding for us. Stick this pamphlet in your Bible so that you can get into a regular rhythm of prayer, or carry it with you so that you can be faithful to pray for those who need it. 


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“Ultimately, we are what we love and desire . . . and the way that we shape our loves and our desires is through the liturgies of our lives . . . meaningful practices that we repeat over and over.”


james k. a. smith

family worship

There is no greater inheritance that you could ever give your children than to know the glorious riches of God. The primary discipleship of our children belongs to us as parents. One of the ways we do this is by leading our family in family worship. Family worship is simple: sing, pray, and read (See Dr. Whitney's video, How do you do Family Worship?). Whitney states, “It’s an unspectacular, ongoing, daily exposure to the elements that produces an oak [of righteousness].” Give yourself grace and your children a lot of patience as you begin to worship our great God as a family.


Family Worship - 2024

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Catechism - 2024

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Family Worship - 2023

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“Each of you fathers and mothers, just as we see artists fashioning their paintings and statues with great precision, so we must care for these wondrous statues, our children…Like the creators of statues, give all your leisure time to fashioning these statues…make them athletes for Christ”


John Chrysostom

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family retreat template

One of our mentor couples shared this concept with us many years ago. The several small shifts that have occurred each year as we have worked through this document have had a profound impact on the trajectory of our lives. Typically, we get away for the weekend (no kids) early in the year and work through this in four sessions (3 two-hour sessions and 1 one-hour session). We then lay our vision before the Lord with open hands, asking Him to do what we cannot.


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“If you're going to plan your vacations, why don't you plan your life?”


bob hosford

accountability wheel
all of life to the glory of god

God is glorified when we enjoy life according to His good design. This accountability wheel is a simple tool that aims to quickly assess the different aspects of our lives in relation to the plumb line of God’s Word. In no way is this meant to be used as a checklist to earn God's favor. Rather, it is a lens to identify areas where we can grow in satisfaction in our relationship with God and others.


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"Holiness turns out to be our greatest joy. Our greatest pleasure is to know Him and be like Him. We must cultivate holiness in a way that is attractive . . . not in a way that is obnoxious, legalistic, or moralistic. An amazing sense of fervor for and delight in the Lord. We ourselves need to grow in conformity to the image of Christ. Personal holiness and godliness flow from an infinite relationship with Christ."


Zane Pratt

sanctification project

Sin originates in the heart and then manifests itself outwardly.Matt 12:35 Therefore, we must aim at the sin at the heart level for true transformation. By bringing one area of besetting sin "under the microscope," we can identify its root over the course of a few weeks and put it to death as we hold it to the light of Scripture.


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“Be killing sin, or sin will be killing you."


john owen

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          "Being a Christian does not mean merely believing in our head that Christ died for us. It means “being constrained” by that reality. The truth presses in on us; it grips and holds; it impels and controls. It surrounds us and won’t let us run from it. It cages us into joy."


john piper

© 2024 by  Declaring the Praises

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