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DTP Newsletter (September 2022) | Clearance

For those of you who have been praying for us, thank you. After months of waiting, it is a great joy to share that we’ve received medical clearance to go to West Africa! Thank you, Lord! We’ll be on a plane(s) to that part of the world in just a couple of weeks for a vision trip (10/13-10/24) where we’ll be doing evangelism and training with former missionaries. We are also stoked about meeting our future teammates who arrived in early August! If you’d like to support us financially on this trip, we would be most grateful. You can do that here (under "Project," select "Vision Trip to W. Africa").

JULY - SEPTEMBER SYNOPSIS. Our summer started with a fun road trip. We saw beloved friends in Knoxville, Shelley’s parents in Morristown, and Keith’s parents in Virginia. It was so fun! In the middle of that trip, we went to the Company’s training center for a three day “interview conference.” It was both encouraging and sobering. The vast amounts of lostness around the world is devastating. To paraphrase John Piper, as Christians, we care about all suffering ... but especially eternal suffering. Following the conference, we were approved to move forward in the process. Kids Camp - We came back to Louisville and jumped into Kid’s Camp at church. Our kids absolutely loved going to church every night for fun and learning with friends. Keith taught and I helped with the music. It was an energy packed week reminding us that no matter what, God Always Wins! Men's Discipleship - Keith was involved in a weekly men's discipleship and accountability group during June and July. The aim of the group was to grow in the likeness of Christ as husbands, fathers, and men after God's own heart. This Accountability Wheel served as a good tool for personal discipleship and accountability each week as it helped us get right to the point. School - Next up we started school with our children. Charlie is in second grade and Zeke started kindergarten. We are learning fascinating stories about American history. We’ve been playing soccer on Sunday nights with friends from church, and the boys started a weekly rec soccer league for the first time! Church - Keith led a sharing the gospel seminar at church last Saturday before going out and putting the information from the seminar into practice. On Wednesday, he preached at our weekly prayer gathering on Isaiah 29. Currently - Currently, our days are spent learning French, studying West African religions, divesting our household, and preparing to move. We've also been working on some video content to encourage believers and share with unbelievers. Check out our first video, What is the Gospel, here. This has been a rich season of sweet fellowship with friends and our church family. We are grateful for God’s provision. Our cup is full.

FUTURE PLANS (Lord willing). Here is our temporary schedule over the next few months.

  • October 11. Trustee approval

  • October 13-24. Vision trip to West Africa

  • November 10-14. Appointment week in Georgia

  • Thanksgiving in Morristown, Knoxville, and Virginia

  • January ~15. Move to Richmond, Virginia

  • January 23-March 13. Field personnel orientation (training)

  • Mid-March. Deploy to West Africa

Security note: Some of this is intentionally vague for security purposes. Please be careful with all electronic communication.


  1. Praise. Praise God for health clearance and approval from our agency!

  2. Vision trip. We leave to visit our new city in less than two weeks! Please pray for our travel to proceed smoothly and a sense of affirmation while we're there. Please pray for Keith’s parents as they care for our kids while we’re gone.

  3. Process. Please pray for our plans to move forward over the next few months as we await a decision from the trustees of our company, our church vote, our appointment, and our training.

  4. Wisdom. Please pray for wisdom as we say goodbyes and prepare our children for the changes ahead.

  5. Trust. Please pray above all that we would trust God and obey him, no matter what, and that we would keep a quiet heart before the Lord.

For His glory,

One of our highlights each week: Sunday Soccer with our church family. (above)

Recommended Resources

We've added a new Recommended Resources tab on our website for a library of our favorite resources: Recommended Resources | DeclaringthePraises


We are in Louisville by the grace of God and the support of His people. We are overwhelmed and humbled by those who have allowed us to be here. If you would like to consider partnering with us on this journey, simply click on the following link: MEI Support Page

Photos and Previous Newsletter


"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."

1 Peter 2:9


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          "Being a Christian does not mean merely believing in our head that Christ died for us. It means “being constrained” by that reality. The truth presses in on us; it grips and holds; it impels and controls. It surrounds us and won’t let us run from it. It cages us into joy."


john piper

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