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Desiring God by John Piper

Expository Exultation by John Piper

Foundations produced by the International Mission Board

Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund

How People Change by Timothy Lane and Paul Tripp

The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert Coleman

The Trellis and the Vine by Colin Marshall (Author), Tony Payne



Little Pilgrim's Big Journey by Tyler Van Halteren

The Priest with Dirty Clothes by R. C. Sproul

Hero Tales by David and Neta Jackson

God With Us: A Journey Home by Jeremy Pierre

God's Bible Timeline by Linda Finlayson

Ten Boys Who Changed the World by Irene Howat



Foundations produced by the International Mission Board

What are the Essentials of a Local Church? Guidelines for Missionary Ecclesiology a brief PDF by Zane Pratt

9Marks | Healthy Church Series



Evangelical Ethics: Issues Facing the Church Today by John Jefferson Davies




Having a Marriage that Thrives:

Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas



Family Worship by Don Whitney

Don't Make Me Count to 3: A Mom's Look at Heart Oriented Discipline by Ginger Hubbard (Wise Words for Moms - accompanying pamphlet)

Tender Warrior by Stu Weber

Babywise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nightime Sleep by Robert Bucknam



The Pilgrim's Progress by John Bunyan

It's My Turn by Ruth Bell Graham



Confessions by Augustine (the amazing testimony of Augustine!)

George Muller: Delighted in God by Roger Steer

John G. Paton: Missionary to the New Hebrides by John Paton

Letter to Diognetus 

The Confession of St. Patrick by St. Patrick of Ireland (free online version)

Fearless: The Undaunted Courage and Ultimate Sacrifice of Navy SEAL Team SIX Operator Adam Brown by Eric Blehm

Rediscovering the Church Fathers by Michael Haykin

The City of God Against Pagans by Augustine

Unbroken by Laura Hildebrand


leadership / practical

Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

Deep Work by Cal Newport

The Gospel Comes with a House Key by Rosaria Butterfield

Family Worship by Don Whitney

Spiritual Disciples for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney



Children’s Ministry. 

Perspectives on Family Ministry: 3 Views by Timothy Paul Jones

On Guard: Preventing and Responding to Child Abuse at Church by Deepak Reju



How People Change by Timothy Lane and Paul Tripp

Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands by Paul David Tripp


Evangelism and Discipleship

The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert Coleman

The Trellis and the Vine by Colin Marshall (Author), Tony Payne

Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J. I. Packer

Evangelism as Exiles: Life on Mission as Strangers in our Own Land by Elliot Clark

Tactics by Gregory Koukl



The Christian Ministry by Charles Bridges

The Great Evangelical Recession: 6 Factors That Will Crash the American Church...and How to Prepare by John Dickerson

The Marks of a Spiritual Leader by John Piper (short read)

Budgeting for a Healthy Church by Jamie Dunlap

Radical by David Platt



Saving Eutychus: How to Preach God's Word and Keep People Awake by Gary Millar and Phil Campbell

Christ-Centered Preaching by Bryan Chappell

Expository Exultation by John Piper

Preaching and Preachers by Martyn Lloyd-Jones



Foundations (free PDF)

No Shortcut to Success by Matt Rhodes

Theology and Practice of Missions by Bruce Ashford



American Gospel: Christ Alone and American Gospel: Christ Crucified

The Chosen



Amazon to the Himalayas by Paul Akin

Ask Pastor John with John Piper

Truth for Life with Alistair Begg

Pastor Well by Hershael York



Having an Eye of Integrity by Hershael York

Marriage and Missions: How Singleness and Marriage Connect to the Great Commission by David Platt

The Expulsive Power of a New Affection by Thomas Chalmers

Preaching the Gospel as Expounding the Whole Bible by John Piper

Who Do I Love? by Brian Vickers



General. Reformed Dogmatics (4 Volume Set): Herman Bavinck

Gospels. The Sermon on the Mount and Human Flourishing by Jonathan Pennington

Covenants. Covenant and God's Purpose for the World (Short Studies in Biblical Theology) by Tom Schreiner

Health/Fitness. Embodied by Gregg Alison

Patriotism. American Exceptionalism by John Wilsey

Trinity. Delighting in the Trinity by Michael Reeves



Bible Project

Southern Equip: Honest Answers

"Foolishness" Skate Evangelism by Brian Sumner

I Am Second 



Desiring God

Steps Bible website

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          "Being a Christian does not mean merely believing in our head that Christ died for us. It means “being constrained” by that reality. The truth presses in on us; it grips and holds; it impels and controls. It surrounds us and won’t let us run from it. It cages us into joy."


john piper

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