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how god redeemed a sinner


The most important thing about me is that I was redeemed by God when I was dead in my sin.


God got a hold of me in 2010 when I was lost but thinking I was heading in the right direction. I was in the thickest phase of proving that I was "somebody" when a friend invited me to join him in a Bible study of the Gospel of John. Months later, after reading, responding, and discussing John 15 with our small group, God allowed me to see that I was a sinner living for my glory rather than His. I saw the stain of selfish motives even in the good that I had done. I had the false assurance that I was on the right road to heaven when I was lost and on my way to hell. Behind a veneer of religiosity, I was a sinner who deserved God's judgment.


But God, in His mercy, revealed my true condition before Him through His Word, paid the debt my sins owed by taking them upon Himself, and replaced my heart of stone with a new heart through the indwelling of His Spirit. God—based on nothing that I had done or would do—caused me to be born again (John 3:3). What I once valued began to grow dim. The desires of my heart (thoughts, affections, choices) began to shift. I was baptized as a believer in the summer of 2013.


I am a work in progress longing to be restored to the fullness of God's good design. Yet, I have also found abundant life in Christ (Matt 11:28-30, John 10:10). There is nothing that I will face in this life that is not for my good and His glory. Experiencing and declaring the praises of God, who redeemed me from darkness by calling me into His marvelous light, has become the great joy of my life (1 Peter 2:9; Romans 5:8). 






Shelley and I were married shortly after I was born again. Prior to our wedding, we prayed that the Lord would use our marriage to give us opportunities to share the gospel with the lost. God answered that prayer on our honeymoon. People came to us with questions about Jesus, the Bible, and where our sense of peace came from. God used these encounters to show us the need for the gospel to be proclaimed among the nations.


With the support of our brothers and sisters, we moved to Louisville with our three boys to attend Southern Seminary in the summer of 2019. God has blessed us with a little girl since our move. We are overwhelmed and humbled by those who have encouraged and enabled us to be here. We hope that  God might use this website for the edification of brothers and sisters around the world for the expansion of His kingdom.




Delight, Declare, Disciple


There is no greater joy than to experience the abundant life we were meant for in Christ (John 10:10). True and lasting happiness can be found nowhere else. God receives glory when we enjoy life according to His good design. Thus, the aim of our lives is to enjoy God and share that joy with others.


As we delight in Christ, we declare His praises so that disciples are made and God is glorified. 

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          "Being a Christian does not mean merely believing in our head that Christ died for us. It means “being constrained” by that reality. The truth presses in on us; it grips and holds; it impels and controls. It surrounds us and won’t let us run from it. It cages us into joy."


john piper

© 2024 by  Declaring the Praises

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